Thursday, February 11, 2010

New skills for older worker

LOW-WAGE workers can look forward to help schemes that will make it easier for them to upgrade their skills for better-paying jobs.

They could also enjoy more benefits from the Workfare Income Supplement (WIS) scheme as the Government is reviewing the three-year programme, including the frequency of payments and qualifying criteria.

Manpower Minister Gan Kim Yong yesterday elaborated on these proposals which were made last week by the Economic Strategies Committee (ESC), when he spoke at a dialogue.

He promised that more will be revealed in the Budget later this month.

While the high-level committee focused on the issue of raising productivity levels, Mr Gan, who was part of the ESC, said it also paid close attention to improving the plight of low-wage earners.

'The focus is how to make it easier for older, low-wage workers to continue to acquire new skills... to pursue higher-value jobs so that their incomes can improve over time,' he explained.

Straits time 8 Feb 2010